Hamilton is designed to solve challenges within policy operations. Beta available now.
years of digital archiving of policy material
domestic policy documents
The political landscape is accelerating in terms of complexity. To keep up with pace, Spaak Technologies works to empower organisations in digitalising operations and achieving overview in the oceans of information.

tailored for the danish political landscape

Many requests from other NATO member countries have been duly noted. Inquire for an update on progress.

from macro to micro in european policy

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A big leap


Technology is changing. From archives to floppy discs. Floppy discs to cloud. At Spaak, we focus on the frontier of technology, working to push the boundaries of what is possible in knowledge tools.



Our solutions can be applied in many forms. In its most basic form, our solutions aim to provide more transparency, clearer overview and more in-depth perspectives through access to a vast dossier.
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